Thursday, March 10, 2005


the dreams.
i dreamt of placing it in the middle of a swimming pool and returning to take it and slipping into the pool and falling, and drowning. of a bright light above me that never faded.
but the drowning, the drowing.
such a slow process of first not being able to bring yourself to the surface and then the panicking that sinks in. the gradual slight swallowing of water when panick sinks in. then you sink a little as you fail to bring yourself to greater heights, and the attempt to breathe that brings ever-so more water into your lungs. and then, blackness.
but i do not fear drowning.

the ability of an imagined concept to form into reality.
the lucidity of dreams lead one to wonder why a life has to be lived.
isn't it enough to eat, breath, and then to sit on your favourite armchair and think the day away?
perhaps not.
but today, the beauty of having a dreamed and imagined concept seemingly taking root in the back of my head before, before the phone rang.

and then it evaded me.

i had this thought of the imagined concept being something that was chosen to take root in reality, but at a different time and place, and perhaps when it did so, i would do.
but until then.

words that spoke the noon: good vibes, chole. i have no idea why.
and H who morphed into I, eerily.

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