Tuesday, January 18, 2005

back here

i'm back.
revived 2 blogs.

i'm back because i need a space to type ambiguous one liners.


to stand still while others find the chances, courage and strength to go on.

i often think of a lady who used to walk her dog.

it is time that makes us old.

the radio plays lovely songs and there's no reason not to listen.

wanted to change while the sky was still pitch black.

if not i would slip in unintrusively through the left side door and take the seat behind the old man with the black plastic glasses who would be seated behind the woman with fluffy short hair, perpetually clutching her prayer books, togged in a cheap tee-shirt and a flare skirt. and on ocassion i would sit in between them.

but that was so yesterday.

my dad drove me to school today.


buying a scapula.

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